1. Work on a kibbutz in Israel - The hippie/farmer in me has wanted to live and work in one of these communities for a long time. I have a feeling I'll say I'll stay for a month and end up not wanting to leave it sounds so up my alley.
2. Travel the Trans-Siberian railway - Being part Russian, I've always wanted to see where my grandmother's family came from. I would love to be able to go to Russia with my grandma, but seeing as she's 96, I don't think that will happen. So that plus my love of train travel combined sounds like the perfect adventure for me!
3. Volunteer/live in India - India is definitely up there in my top places to travel and has been for a long time as well. Because of my interest in pursuing a second degree in international development, one of my travel goals has been to volunteer along the way. In India, I particularly want to go to Goa, the old hippie hangout of the 60s and 70s (see a hippie trend here?)

5. Travel more of Europe (particularly Scandinavia and Eastern Europe) - After living in Europe for two years, there's so much more I want to see. Some of my favourite cities I've ever been to are Prague and Budapest so I'd love to see more of Eastern Europe. As well, a lot of my best friends while living in Australia were from the Scandinavian countries, so I really want to be able to visit them again.
6. Travel across Canada - It's confession time. Before this past summer, I had only been to two provinces in Canada (besides seeing the insides of airports). I guess the lure of somewhere far away and exotic had me saving every penny to hop on a plane out of here again! So of course, I'd like to see my own country a bit more and visit friends and family along the way.

8. Go to the Antarctica - This is so very expensive and so very far off into the future but no bucket list would be complete without it! Perhaps via South America?
9. Study Spanish in South America - Spanish is one language I've always wanted to learn because it's used in so many countries around the world. Instead of doing it as a minor at school, why not just go live there and learn it by immersion?
10. See Morocco - Ever since I was in Spain, I've been kicking my butt I didn't head over to Morocco...perhaps one day.
11. Climb a mountain (either Everest, Fuji, or Kilimanjaro) - After the past few years, health is becoming a new found priority of mine, so perhaps one day this can be a reality.
12. Go to Petra - I'm not an Indiana Jones fan BESIDES the fact that this was in the movie.
13. The Amazon River and Rainforest - I've been obsessed with going here every since I was in elementary school playing The Amazon Trail in computer class (perhaps I should do The Oregon Trail as well?). I also really loved Where in the World is Carmen San Diego? Perhaps these games are what started it all...?
14. Stay in an ice hotel - There's one in Quebec, there's one in Sweden...seeing as these are both on this list, there's no excuse!

16. Macchu Pichu - Speaking of lost cities...
17. Easter Island - ...and uber remote islands.
18. Rio de Janeiro - I've dreamt of seeing the Christ the Reedemer statue ever since I dated a guy who had it on his favourite T-shirt...weird reason, I know.
19. NYC - In keeping with the whole "let's see some things on my own continent" theme. I've never felt particularly drawn to North America, but the more I travel, the more I realize travel is about going somewhere you've never been, it doesn't necessarily have to be across the ocean where you don't understand the language. And I really like RENT.
20. Cruise Ship - I don't want to GO on a cruise ship, it's not really down with my style of travel. Rather, I'd like to work on one, or better yet, volunteer on the Peace Boat.

22. Return to Australia/New Zealand - Last October marked my ten year anniversary of setting out in this weird and wonderful world on my own. Australia holds a special place in my heart for many reasons; it was the first place I lived overseas and first place I travelled on my own at the mere age of 20. It showed me what travel is and inspired me to do more. As cliche as it is, it's where I found myself, or at least a huge chunk of me. Ever since I left in 2004, I've said I'll be back and I hope to make that dream a reality soon. Plus, I never actually saw New Zealand in the year I was there (too busy partying...hey, I was 20!)
23. Backpack Central America - I need to continue practicing that Spanish I learned in South America as I work my way back North!
24. Go to California - If I had to choose any State to visit, this would be it. So many cool cities (LA, San Fran, San Diego), great weather, and everyone I've ever met from Cali has been so stereotypically Californian (laid back, down to earth and awesome!) I wouldn't mind timing it in order to hit up Coachella as well.
25. Victoria Falls and the Devil's Pool - The Falls alone look amazing, but the Devil's Pool (a sort of natural infinity pool formed right on the edge of the waterfall during the dry season, which you can sit in if you dare) looks like an amazing experience.
26. Galapagos Islands - I may not be using my science degree, but I'm still a bit of a geek deep down. Ever since first learning about Darwin's Theory of Evolution as a youngster, these islands have been on my hit list.
27. Open a hostel - OK, so this is YEARS down the road, but I already have it all planned out in my head. The problem now is where to settle down to actually have it! We all know the best hostels are run by former travellers.
28. Get a better blog/be more dedicated to it - This is something I'm hoping to do within the next year. New domain, much more regularity to when I post, and hopefully better writing!
I should probably stop at some point, I could really go on forever...go to the Olympics, learn to swim (so I can surf and scuba dive)...the list really is endless. If I can come back to this post in a year and cross a few things off I'll be more than happy! And hopefully I'll have discovered a few more amazing places to add.
I should probably stop at some point, I could really go on forever...go to the Olympics, learn to swim (so I can surf and scuba dive)...the list really is endless. If I can come back to this post in a year and cross a few things off I'll be more than happy! And hopefully I'll have discovered a few more amazing places to add.
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